
--> Current release (9.2) <--


Thursday, 31 October 2013

RCP for 8.9 released

Content Deprecated

New release of RCP will appear "soon"
In order to use RCP for 8.9 you will need 8.9 game client. You can find it here.

Replay Compatibility Pack for 8.9

Current compatibility:

Version Core functions Maps Audio GUI Tank models
8.8 Full Full Full Full None
8.7 Full Full Full Full None
8.6 Full Full Full Full None
8.5 Full Full Full Minor bugs None

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

8.9 early download


For any other:
  1. Go to: your server equivalent of:
  2. Copy url of equivalent of: "Download Full Client Archive", for NA it is:
  3. Paste it to RedirectCheck (and click Trace of course)
  4. Copy "Location" from output, for NA it is:
  5. Replace 7 with 8, for NA:
  6. Wait until WG puts file on server. RU is already done, but other needs translations and nerfs to your favorite tank to be complete.

RCPm Package manager

RCPm Package manager

Why it exists?

It is part of new project: "RCP Tools", which will replace RCP Manager, which was just an experiment. One of parts of RCP Tools will be RCPm v2.0, which will be just combination of all tools.
That way whole project became easier to manage and much more pleasant to create.

What it does?

As name implies, it manages packages, user have direct control only over RCC packages, RCV handling is automated.

Is it complicated?

Nope. It is as simple as I could make it without limiting its capabilities.

Is it dangerous?

Not any more than RCP itself.

Saturday, 26 October 2013

RCPm Paths and Bats (re)generator.

RCPm Path and Bats (re)generator

Why it exists?

It is part of new project: "RCP Tools", which will replace RCP Manager, which was just an experiment. One of parts of RCP Tools will be RCPm v2.0, which will be just combination of all tools.
That way whole project became easier to manage and much more pleasant to create.

What it does?

It (re)creates Paths.xml and launcher .bat files and stores selected paths (in Registry) for next use.

Is it complicated?

Nope. Two text fields provided with default values you do not have to touch and three buttons with two of them necessary only if you installed game and/or RCP in non-default directory.

Is is dangerous?

Not any more than RCP itself.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

RCP download links

New version of Manager will be released "soon", it will use same files as posted here.
RCC packages are usable in current (ugly and bugged) release of Manager. (paste it manually and use Manager to re-generate paths.xml.

You may notice that host for files was changed to Ubuntu One. Reasons are as following:

  • Direct download without any issues. Google Drive sucks at it. 
  • Implicit allowance for use as host for installation software. Google Drive was rather against that.
  • Good download speed, not as good as Google Drive, but still "civilized".
  • "Hi-tech" GUI. I like it.

Of course there are some issues:

  • No one-click list of direct download links. So I made my own.
  • Limited space (5GB? I am not sure), so yeah. Boost RCP account on Ubuntu One by registering via this link, one referee will add enough space for ~half of RCS of one version. 
That's all for today. Separate tool for (re)generating paths.xml will come tomorrow as now I am switching my attention from computer to alcohol.

RCV Tools

RCV core packages

RCC 0.8.8 packages

RCC 0.8.7 packages

RCC 0.8.6 packages

RCC 0.8.5 packages

Friday, 18 October 2013

I am still alive.

Due to reasons you have no reason to know I was away from RCP project for some time.

Now however I am back and soon there will be updates.

Monday, 23 September 2013

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Update for sake of updating. Yes. I am still alive.

It appears that few fellow tankers started to doubt in me. But I am still alive and RCP 8.8 project is active.

However, RCP 8.8 is temporary suspended in favor of another little project. That project is also RCP related.

Yup. That's RCP manager. As you can see, screenshot was made just when I was testing download RCV 8.7 with it.

Friday, 20 September 2013

RCP 8.8

Replay Compatibility Pack
For WoT 8.8

Follow to Current Release for... 
well, for current release.

Remember that requirements are in cascade.
For example, for RCS 8.5 you need RCS 8.6, which means you also need RCS 8.7.
So download (and install) from top to bottom until you reach desired version


RCS 8.7@8.8 ~220MB.
Requirements: as clean as possible World Of Tanks 8.8 (res_mods can be trashed as much as you want)
Note: it is quick and rather dirty release. Better solution will follow up soon.
Rest will come later.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Separating WoT mods for ease of management.

As with every update, some mods stopped working properly.
But how to tell which mod is causing game to not load?
And even if you find out, how will you distinguish its files from parts of other mods?
Even then, what about mods that overwrite each other files?
Its hell.

So here is simple solution I just implemented in my copy of 8.8:

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Idea and purpose of Comment Section on RCP blog.

If you followed my RCP threads on craptastic NA forum, I often attempted to turn them into knowledge base, fully answering to all properly asked RCP related questions even if it meant repeating myself (which I do not like to do).

After migrating to Blog I limited my RCP related activity on official forum to bare minimum because moderators gone crazy.
You can find me on WotLabs forum and communicate with me in corresponding RCP thread, but mind that moderation on that forum is very good and not forgiving. Idiots tend to disappear very quickly.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

[Updated] No more updates until further notice.


Further notice has arrived. I am back.

RCP 8.8 will be delayed indefinitely until further notice.

Most, if not all, of my activity on blog, forums and in game will also temporary cease to exist.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Awaiting for 8.8.. recollection from past.

As 8.8 is live on RU server already, it is only matter of days til it will be available for NA I started groundwork for RCP 8.8 (I need 8.8 NA client to compare it with 8.7 NA client to port RCP to 8.8).
While doing so I toke my time to enjoy old screenshots.
Back to 7.1 I have it all neatly sorted by version, but older ones are just bundled together, however I may be able to name patch (or era) by content.

Enough babbling, lets take a walk into the past.

Saturday, 7 September 2013

8.8 early download.


For any other:
  1. Go to: your server equivalent of:
  2. Copy url of equivalent of: "Download Full Client Archive", for NA it is:
  3. Paste it to RedirectCheck (and click Trace of course)
  4. Copy "Location" from output, for NA it is:
  5. Replace 7 with 8, for NA:
  6. Wait until WG puts file on server. RU is already done, but other needs translations and stuff to be complete. Also Soviet Server Bias.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

8.9 leaks - Waffentragger translates as What The Fuck.

Seriously. Look at that.
And then look at that!
Panzer IV. As tier 9. With pick of four tier 10 guns. Recoil with real physics would be hilarious here.

For more go (as always) to FTR.

Monday, 2 September 2013

Work on RCV 7.5 is in progress, do not think I forgot.

Basically it works. ~436 MB so far, but it will grow larger, much larger.
Whats left is:
1. Maps. Basically all of them got some kind of rework due to introduction of 8.0 advanced graphics and physics.
2. Sound. As always something is wrong with sound. WG did craptastic job with it. >.<
3. Testing. Heck lot of it. But with about 1450 of them I should be able to view all maps.

And here is the proof:

Notice invisible buildings and other visual errors as map is from ~8.0 (might as well be pure 8.7, it is just result of all RCC packages stacked to mimic 8.0).
Sadly I was unable to replicate such battle during TD marathon.

Hey ho manual labor.

Maps of 7.5 weights 2.63 GB, Maps of 8.0 are at 2.87GB, difference between them is in 1.94GB.
Usually I just provided  output of diff-check for maps, RCV 7.5 will either be very fat or trimmed with a lot of manual work. I expected that, but it is still way to fat in my opinion. So yeah...
Manual labor for the win. Nothing beats celebrating Labor day than manual labor!

Saturday, 24 August 2013

If its German, its a nerf. (Updated for test #2)

Do you know this mean motherfucker?

Yup. Its an E-75. With a pony in its hatch. A Trixie if I am not mistaken. Once I had little party, in (very late) morning I saw that little monster on my E-75. So yeah, I ride with a pony and badass skin.
But lets get back to Soviet Bias:
In game files you can find data for terrain resistance, and for much more.
(road, dirt, swamp)
8.8 test #2
<terrainResistance>1.2 1.3 2.4</terrainResistance> (stock)
<terrainResistance>1.1 1.2 2.2</terrainResistance>

8.8 test #1
<terrainResistance>1.2 1.5 2.5</terrainResistance> (stock)
<terrainResistance>1.1 1.4 2.3</terrainResistance>

8.7 live
<terrainResistance>1.3 2.1 3.4</terrainResistance> (stock)
<terrainResistance>1.3 1.7 2.7</terrainResistance>

E-75 drops from 1200 to 900 horse power, 25% drop, which means that if terrain resistance is calculated like friction (horse power/resistance) then resistance drop must be same to not make it a nerf for mobility.

Stock: 1.3, 2.1, 3.4 now multiply by 0.75 (25% drop): 0.975, 1.575, 2.55.
Upgraded: 1.3, 1.7, 2.7, take away 25%: 0.975, 1.275, 2.025

Now compare it with 8.8 values:

8.8 test #1
Stock suspension: Road - nerf, Dirt - buff, Swamp - buff. Not bad.
Upgraded suspension: Road - nerf, Dirt- nerf, Swamp - nerf. Bad.

8.8 test #2
Stock suspension: Road - nerf, Dirt - buff, Swamp - buff. Not bad.
Upgraded suspension: Road - nerf, Dirt - buff, Swamp - nerf. Still Bad.

Hit in engine power itself is also a nerf to hill climbing and pushing.

So there is your answer: "If its German, its a nerf."


Friday, 23 August 2013

First pure nerfs to German tanks spotted!

WG decided to bless tier 5 heavy tank VK 3001 H (it gets pushed one tier down and re-classed) with a Konish gun aside of great 75/L70 (Known also as Stug gun, and historical armament of Panthers).
Seems good until you look at daamge: 135 instead of 165, both for AP and APCR. Not bad for such high velocity gun at tier 5. Until you look at compatible vehicles: VK 3601 and Klakier Panther.
Which means that VK 3601 gets changed from medium to heavy, which should result at least in increased MM weight, while its best gun is nerfed to level where L70 can become better.
Not to mentioned that already awful recon Panther will also receive this nerf. Yay.

Reduced engine power is disputable whether it is pure nerf or balancing, after all top speed and traverse is increased. Last word will be left for test run on test server and datamining terrain resistance.
It is simple, timer+rotating in place and drag run up the Himmelsdorf hill should tell everything.

Source: FTR

In case you forgot: 8.8 open test is live

To summarize:

Japanese premium tank -tier 5 medium, looks like PzIV mated with Marder. Which means: Japs are coming to WoT. Tora! Tora! Tora!

Soviets get tier 7 and 8 ELC's with T-34-85 copy as tier 6. Tier 7 one will roll with old 107mm ZiS 6, the KV gun. 100mm guns get more dmg but rof falls. Tier 10 is T-54 on steroids.

Germany gets cute low tier toys, heavy version of Leopard as tier 4, VK 3001 with L70 and Konish as tier 5 and tier 7 gets yet another 3002. Also all big cats get nerfed with small buff to cover it up. For example: E-75 horse power drops from 1200 to 900, and I doubt any buff to terrain resistance will cover for 25% less power. Well, German tanks and WG, I am used to that.

And some weird shit with new premium tanks, two tier 7 T-44's, one with 85mm, second with 122mm. M41 with Hellcat turret for 2nd Soviet Tech Tree as a premium light tank and the heavy one is not in test yet for some reason.

Read more on FTR blog. They have images.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

RCP bug! RCS 8.2@8.7 repacked and reuploaded

I forgot to add some files to RCS 8.2 package, so it is reuploading right now. Size will change from 35MB to ~53MB.

Which means: anyone who downloaded it before will need to do it again.
Also there will be patch containing missing files available ~19MB.

On other news, I am currently uploading (and checking for any missing files :>) all packages to Google Drive as someone suggested in comments.

Full 8.x compatibility reached!

RCS 8.0@8.7 released!
Requires RCS 8.1@8.7 of course.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

RCS 8.1@8.7 available for download.

RCP 8.7

RCS 8.1@8.6
Google Drive.
Requirements: RCS 8.2@8.7

Forum moderators are on my ass :D

Here is Google Cache of this thread, which of course disappeared.

And here is what probably called mod on me... after what? Three weeks of being untouched?
Dear WG, delete this trash and switch to working one.
People already invented forum systems where writing posts require only writing them, not some black magic to make it work.
I was creative back then. :>

Google Cache misses my last post in that thread, answer to some moron cried that RCP made his Internet slow. My respond was short "sucks to be you".

Friday, 16 August 2013

Web based replay player, woho.

As this is blog for replay stuff, have some repost:

vbaddict battle simulator

Seems like someone was bored enough to decode binary block of replay file.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

RCP installation and use guide.



Monday, 5 August 2013

Sendspace is being awesome

So I went to Sendspace (RCP is hosted on it currently).. and bam! A maintenance.
However they are not as lazy as WG so instead of same image for several years I saw....

A Tetris game. Controls are weird, and flipping failed to work in Chrome, but still better than static image.

Crew experience calculator

Yo. As I mentioned in first post evaaaa.... it is not just RCP blog, I am to lazy to make separate blogs for different type of content, so you have to deal with it by tags.

So first bit of IT content is here, you are lucky as this time it is WoT related.

Crew experience calculator.
Link is pinned over there ---->

Why do you want to use it? (You will want to use it sooner or later)

How soon will your crew finish their skill?

How much % you need to store in "+" to cover up for silver retraining? (It is ~42k from 90% to 100%, but % varies on skill level).

How will accelerated training impact my crew of X?

 That and probably more you can easily learn by using this calculator. (I made it for myself).
It is fully client side JavaScript so you can just save the page and keep it locally.

 Previously available here, but PasteHTML made one big mistake lately. In past they offered multiple ways to log in, now all they have is Facefuck, which I do not use (Mwahahhaa! I have privacy! Oh hi NSA agent, what brings you here sir?), I still have old cookie that keeps me logged in, but sooner or later I will lose it in some random accident.
So sayonara you slave of Facefuck. Luckily Google is a good guy, and allows raw HTML to be posted on blogspot. Which is cool, I can do whatever I want with that ability.

Comments for everyone

I just found out this blog have Settings to mess with.
People are visiting, mostly from Murica, but there was even one visitor from Australia and other from Android. Wee!

But no one left comment :( You can use any Google account here (blogger is Google service), but I do not like to log in just to leave stupid comment, so I allowed anonymous posting.

I suggest following name scheme: ForumAccount_Server, for example: PTwr_NA, it will allow me to use private message system for reply (for example release of patch for RCP to correct issue you found out).

RCS 8.5@8.7 available for download.

RCP 8.7

RCS 8.5@8.6
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Google drive single part mirror

Requirements: RCS 8.6@8.7

Sunday, 4 August 2013

RCV 8.5@8.7

Just like last time, RCV 8.5 is one fat bastard due to revamp of GUI and Audio (they are linked more than I expected), even after trimming it down it still sits at 700 MB.

So there will be two solutions available:

- awesome net, crappy comp: 700 MB archive to download, I am on crappy net right now so it will be ready in 3 hours. But I will be away from comp at that time so post will appear later.

- crappy net, awesome comp.... how to compress data that even RAR is not working on? UHA, but it is so 10 years ago and lacks SFX module. So I picked KGB, it got SFX, it got crazy compression... seems like good idea, right? Well see you in 10 hours... 23 minutes passed, 4.2% done. >.< But it seems to be able to get size below 300 MB.
Only problem with KGB SFX module seems to be lack of default directory settings

For interested: Deflates vs 7zip vs UHA vs KGB

RCP 8.7

Content Obsolete!
Clink that link on top of page titled "Current release".


Replay Compatibility Pack
For WoT 8.7
It will NOT work on 8.8 client.
Wait for release of RCP 8.8.

Installation and use guide.

Remember that requirements are in cascade.
For example, for RCS 8.4 you need RCS 8.5, which means you also need RCS 8.6.
So download (and install) from top to bottom until you reach desired version.


RCS 8.6@8.7 ~140MB.
Google Drive
Requirements: as clean as possible World Of Tanks 8.7 (res_mods can be trashed as much as you want)

RCS 8.5@8.7 ~655MB.
Google Drive
Sendspace part 1, Sendspace part 2Sendspace part 3
Requirements: RCS 8.6@8.7

RCS 8.4@8.7 ~200MB.
Google Drive
Requirements:  RCS 8.5@8.7

RCS 8.3@8.7 ~270MB
Google Drive
Requirements: RCS 8.4@8.7

RCS 8.2@8.7 ~53MB
Google Drive
For old downloads: Patch #001 ~19MB
Google Drive
Requirements: RCS 8.3@8.7

RCS 8.1@8.7 ~280MB
Google Drive
Requirements: RCS 8.2@8.7

RCS 8.0@8.7 ~240MB
Google Drive
Requirements: RCS 8.1@8.7

Rest will come later.
(Which means: whenever I will feel like doing them)


I will be throwing these terms around in all my posts, you better get familiar with them if you want to understand what I am saying(writing?)

RCP X.Y- Replay Compatibility Pack - it is everything, numbers after it specify for which WoT version it is designed.
Example: RCP 8.7 is to be installed on WoT 8.7.

RCV W.Z@X.Y- Replay Compatibility Version - a small (currently, in past it was big) package made to supported specified version of WoT replays. Numbers indicate support game version and required RCP version.
Example: RCV 8.6@8.7 means that this package allows you to watch 8.6 replays on WoT 8.7.

RCC A.B-C.D - Replay Compatibility Change - a big (it was part of RCV in the past) set of packages containing files from version A.B that got changed on C.D and are required to watch old replays properly.
Example: RCC 8.6-8.7 is required by RCV 8.6@8.7 to achieve compatibility of replays.

RCS - The thing you download, its RCV combined with RCC's of same version, and launcher batch file.

Replay Compatibility Pack

Boo. It is a blog of RCP. That would be all about it. I will post RCP related content, bitch about WG and do other random stuff. Because I can.
So there will be WoT stuff, IT stuff and some random shit as well.

Lets test your ability to read with comprehension!

On top of first post, and at end of thread there will be link for next one. Read all of them.
All you need to know about RCP is there. Seriously. All of it. That's why I wrote all of it, but still half of Internet population would not read it and do some stupid shit instead of following simple instructions.

If you read this post, then you probably came here from NA forum so you know the rule:

I hate you anyway.

It is good rule to live by on Internet, to summary for new comers what it means:
I do what I want.
I do not care what you do.
If you screwed something with RCP then you are just to stupid to use it. You simply need to be remarkable idiot like this one to damage game with it.
Seriously, everything is documented, I even made image guide. Yet still there are some cases of lack of reading with comprehension like this one and that one.
Yes, you can take it as confirmation that I will shame people without ability to read with comprehension.
Do not be like them, read. I wrote enough in all my threads of RCP to allow anyone to not only use but edit and extend RCP.

Why blog?

WoT forum sucks, editor is horrible, formatting is a horror, escaping characters is broken (new feature of 8.7...), "My Content" periodically works (It was broken for a year...), Search is a joke, people post stupid answers I can not delete.

And also we have our beloved moderators selectively enforcing rules.
Every patch I am doing something related with RCP, which leads to posting links to executable files on forum, which is forbidden according to "rules", basically I should be banned for breaking same rules over and over again since 7.1.. however nothing have happened. In the meantime:
-I got warning because forum bugged and threw posts all over the threads, also search was broken.
-I got warning for saying "boobies".
-I got "read only" for asking a question (without any profanity).
-I got warning for posting image of a teddy bear.  (this one deserves applause)
-I got several of my threads pointing out how WoT forum is broken removed.
-I got my posts with early download link (a .zip archive, so no "no exe" rule this time) removed. WG, if you do not want file to be downloaded... simply do not make it downloadable, mkay?
-I watched good players posting (sometimes) useful content banned from forum for pointing out that baddie is a baddie. ("Why my stats sucks?" "Because you are bad@tanks!" "Mods! Help me! He wrote truth!" BAN HAMMER!).
To clarify: Statistics do exists. Math exists. However... fuck stats, this is blog for RCP, here we do not play for statistics nor for fun, we play to make replays which WG will make useless in next update.

And to say major reason one again: forum sucks, geh, I could take any free shit (yay! I can say shit and not give a crap about it!) available on some free hosting and it would work better. I am tired of editor either munching on all my enters or vomiting additional ones every time I edit post.

Grammar and stuff: What my spellchecker will detect, I will try to correct. That's all. English is not my primary language. Wan't to be a grammar nazi? Play it with other retards on Facefuck.