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Tuesday, 29 October 2013

RCPm Package manager

RCPm Package manager

Why it exists?

It is part of new project: "RCP Tools", which will replace RCP Manager, which was just an experiment. One of parts of RCP Tools will be RCPm v2.0, which will be just combination of all tools.
That way whole project became easier to manage and much more pleasant to create.

What it does?

As name implies, it manages packages, user have direct control only over RCC packages, RCV handling is automated.

Is it complicated?

Nope. It is as simple as I could make it without limiting its capabilities.

Is it dangerous?

Not any more than RCP itself.

What is required to run it?

I am a civilized man. All you need is a working game, downloaded RCP and .NET framework 3.5.
Although I would prefer to use 4.x I kept it in 3.5 so it would work on Windows XP and Mono (Linux/Mac).

How to use it?

2. Launch it. You can recognize it by ugly icon with skewed "P" ->

Select RCP location: same function as in Paths (re)generator, use when RCP is in different directory than stated.
Refresh: Do I really need to describe it? Well... it loads list of packages. Again.
<< and >>: select different RCS, middle button does... nothing.
Just do it!: click it when you picked packages to download and/or delete.
Buttons between package lists: use them to move packages between lists.
Package lists:
-Upper Left: list of packages ready for download and not present on your machine.
-Upper Right: packages you picked for download.
-Bottom Left: packages existing on your machine.
-Bottom Right: packages you wish to remove from your machine.

3. Choose your destiny!

4. Click that big fat button and watch progress bar.

5. Done.

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