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Monday, 5 August 2013

Crew experience calculator

Yo. As I mentioned in first post evaaaa.... it is not just RCP blog, I am to lazy to make separate blogs for different type of content, so you have to deal with it by tags.

So first bit of IT content is here, you are lucky as this time it is WoT related.

Crew experience calculator.
Link is pinned over there ---->

Why do you want to use it? (You will want to use it sooner or later)

How soon will your crew finish their skill?

How much % you need to store in "+" to cover up for silver retraining? (It is ~42k from 90% to 100%, but % varies on skill level).

How will accelerated training impact my crew of X?

 That and probably more you can easily learn by using this calculator. (I made it for myself).
It is fully client side JavaScript so you can just save the page and keep it locally.

 Previously available here, but PasteHTML made one big mistake lately. In past they offered multiple ways to log in, now all they have is Facefuck, which I do not use (Mwahahhaa! I have privacy! Oh hi NSA agent, what brings you here sir?), I still have old cookie that keeps me logged in, but sooner or later I will lose it in some random accident.
So sayonara you slave of Facefuck. Luckily Google is a good guy, and allows raw HTML to be posted on blogspot. Which is cool, I can do whatever I want with that ability.

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